Time Is Money. Make The Investment Worthwhile.

Spending hours researching stock images online, and then trying to piece them together in an effort to represent your idea, is not ideal. That time could be better spent bringing your ideas to life by featuring actual product or services. Your initial investment in a photo shoot will take you miles further than one spent on dime-a-dozen stock shots. Why not spend the time on an authentic image that’s yours to keep and use as often as you’d like?

Custom Photography, Brenner Photo

What You See Is What You Get

Custom Photography allows you to feature genuine faces, spaces and products. You just can’t accomplish that with a stock shot. Sure, we can make you look good with make-up, lighting, fantastic photography, even some retouching, but at the end of the day, your commissioned image is still the real deal. There is an intrinsic value in representing yourself honestly. It could mean the difference between making the sale and missing the mark. 

Custom Photography, Brenner Photo

Represent real people. A stock photo won’t cut it when you need a portrait to introduce yourself in your marketing materials. If you go onto a doctor’s website, and you see a picture of a doctor, that’s the person you expect to treat you. Or when a parent is interested in what pediatric center is best for their child, a portfolio of the facility can speak volumes, as long as that picture is speaking the truth. The trust could be broken, before a pulse is ever taken, if the practice misrepresents itself.

Benefits Of Custom Photography, Brenner Photo

Promote and sell bona fide products and merchandise. Ecommerce is huge. Customers want as much information about products as possible before making the decision to buy. And it all starts with the visual. Whether you’re selling hand sanitizer or scanners, you need a shot of it and you need it to be as appealing as possible. The product featured must be legit otherwise your credibility may be questioned.

Benefits Of Custom Photography, Brenner Photo

Advertise actual venues & menus. A prospective bride and groom can fall in love with your accommodations by viewing well-lit interiors online first. If they like what they see, they are likely to contact you for a consultation. Similarly, restaurants and caterers often highlight their websites with photos of their signature dishes to entice new patrons. A stock photo of someone else’s food just won’t do the trick. When there are so many choices, you need to market yourself authentically.

Benefits Of Custom Photography, Brenner Photo

Custom Photography, Brenner Photo

Custom Photography Allows You To Be An Original.

Simply put, you will never see your original commissioned images anywhere else. You can download a stock image and use it in your marketing efforts, but there’s a good chance that exact same shot is also used in another company’s materials. Either by a competitor or a totally unrelated field, which can also dilute your message if seen by the same customer.

Custom Photography Ensures Brand Consistency.

Create your desired style of images that best represent who you are. It’s hard to find one stock image to accurately represent your company, let alone a library of images, all shot in the same style.

Custom Photography Builds Your Image Library.

At the end of the day, what you’ve commissioned is yours to keep and use (model clearance and usage being all squared away) so the budget and time invested is not wasted. Nor will you see it duplicated anywhere else. You only have one chance to make a first impression. It’s sink or swim in our highly competitive world. Put your best business foot forward and utilize original imagery to represent your company in your marketing strategy.

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